Churches of IsraelNazareth

Anglican Church

Anglican Church: At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. (Mark 1:9)


Hours undisclosed, but standard Masses in the Middle East are 8am to noon Sundays and by appointment.

Dress prudently and speak quietly.

Anglican Church


Anglican Church in Nazareth is also called Christ Church. The Anglican Church is located in the center of the church section of Nazareth adjacent to the Sisters of Nazareth Convent and very close to the Basilica of the Annunciation.

This church is designed in the shape of a cross, calling into remembrance the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The original intent was to build a tall tower, accentuating the cross-like shape, but the Anglican Church ran out of money before it could be completed. This brownstone building with uniquely shaped windows is distinctly European in appearance and is in the standard Gothic Revival style so popular at that time.


The Anglican Church is also referred to as the Church of England. Much like the Catholic Church, the Anglican Church follows the edicts of the Pope in Rome; the Anglicans follow the edicts of the Archbishop of Canterbury. He is referred to as primus inter pares, or first among equals. Like the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church, but unlike the Protestant Church, the Anglican Church still uses the threefold order of position: Priest, deacon, bishop.

Anglican Church

Bishops derive their authority from the succession of the original apostles. The deacons work directly with the poor, sick and hungry in the community surrounding the church. The Laity are the other devoted members of the church.

The Anglican Church in Nazareth is not the first one built in the Holy Lands. Around the beginning of the 1800s, the Anglican Church began to proselytize to the Middle East. The first Anglican Church was erected in Jerusalem in 1841.


Then English sailors prompted the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Anglican Church built the second Church of England in the Holy Lands. The Nazareth Anglican Church, Christ Church, was built in 1862. King Edward VII actually dedicated it himself while traveling through the Holy Lands in 1862. The final building was completed in 1871. There is an ornate plaque reading: Christ Church, Anglican, 1971 outside the church authenticating its construction.

It also held the Episcopal High School beginning in 185. This high school was established by Anglican missionaries of the British Church Missionary Society who were visiting the area. It initially resided in the Christ church, or the Anglican Church, but then it later expanded to parts of St. Margaret’s Guest House on a hill above Nazareth.

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